EJCLI Ethics Seminar
August 26, 2024Stony Brook Names New President
February 21, 2025The NYSSPE LI Chapter is working with the Engineers Joint Committee of Long Island (EJCLI) to promote the upcoming Engineer’s Week or E-Week. The event will be a full day of insightful PDH classes with breakfast and lunch as well as supplier booths and a chance to reconnect with many great engineers. Information regarding this event is below:
When: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025 (Snow Date: Wed. Feb 26) 8am – 4:30pm
Where: Holiday Inn, Plainview
Cost: $180 Full day; $90 Half day
Contact: lpellizzi@nysspe-li.org
Register below:
We look forward to seeing all of our local engineer friends and a chance to grow our professional networks!